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在本教程之前, 我们重点研究Godot中的 Node 类, 因为它是您用来编码行为的类, 并且引擎的大多数功能都依赖于该类. 还有另一个同样重要的数据类型: Resource.
节点 为您提供功能: 它们绘制精灵, 3D模型, 模拟物理, 排列用户界面等. 资源 是 数据容器 . 它们自己不能做任何事情: 而是, 节点使用资源中包含的数据.
Anything Godot saves or loads from disk is a resource. Be it a scene (a .tscn
or an .scn
file), an image, a script... Here are some Resource examples:
当引擎从磁盘加载资源时, 它只加载一次 . 如果该资源的副本已在内存中, 则每次尝试再次加载该资源将返回相同的副本. 由于资源只包含数据, 因此无需复制它们.
每个对象(无论是节点还是资源)都可以导出属性. 属性有很多类型, 例如String, integer, Vector2等, 并且任何这些类型都可以成为资源. 这意味着节点和资源都可以包含资源以作为属性:

有两种保存资源的方法. 它们是:
外部 , 对于场景, 作为单独文件保存在磁盘上.
To be more specific, here's a Texture2D in a Sprite2D node:

Clicking the resource preview allows us to view the resource's properties.

属性告诉我们资源来自何处. 在这里, 它来自一个叫 robi.png
的PNG图像. 当资源来自这样的文件时, 它属于外部资源. 如果您去掉这个路径或此路径为空, 则它将成为内置资源.
保存场景时, 将在内置资源和外部资源之间进行切换. 在上面的示例中, 如果删除路径 "res://robi.png"
并保存,Godot会将图像保存在 .tscn
即使您保存一个内置资源, 当多次实例化一个场景时, 引擎也只会加载该场景的一个副本.
有两种方法可以从代码加载资源. 首先, 您可以随时使用 load()
func _ready():
# Godot loads the Resource when it reads this very line.
var imported_resource = load("res://robi.png")
$sprite.texture = imported_resource
public override void _Ready()
var texture = (Texture)GD.Load("res://robi.png"); // Godot loads the Resource when it reads the line.
var sprite = GetNode<Sprite2D>("sprite");
sprite.Texture = texture;
You can also preload
resources. Unlike load
, this function will read the
file from disk and load it at compile-time. As a result, you cannot call preload
with a variable path: you need to use a constant string.
func _ready():
# Godot loads the resource at compile-time
var imported_resource = preload("res://robi.png")
get_node("sprite").texture = imported_resource
// 'preload()' is unavailable in C Sharp.
Scenes are also resources, but there is a catch. Scenes saved to disk are resources of type PackedScene. The scene is packed inside a Resource.
To get an instance of the scene, you have to use the PackedScene.instantiate() method.
func _on_shoot():
var bullet = preload("res://bullet.tscn").instantiate()
private PackedScene _bulletScene = (PackedScene)GD.Load("res://bullet.tscn");
private void OnShoot()
Node bullet = _bulletScene.Instantiate();
此方法在场景的层次结构中创建节点, 对其进行配置, 然后返回场景的根节点. 然后, 您可以将其添加为任何其他节点的子级.
The approach has several advantages. As the PackedScene.instantiate() function is fast, you can create new enemies, bullets, effects, etc. without having to load them again from disk each time. Remember that, as always, images, meshes, etc. are all shared between the scene instances.
When a Resource is no longer in use, it will automatically free itself. Since, in most cases, Resources are contained in Nodes, when you free a node, the engine frees all the resources it owns as well if no other node uses them.
像Godot中的任何Object一样, 用户也可以编写资源脚本. 资源脚本继承了object类属性和序列化文本或二进制数据( *.tres
, *.res
)之间自由转换的能力. 它们还从 Reference
This comes with many distinct advantages over alternative data structures, such as JSON, CSV, or custom TXT files. Users can only import these assets as a Dictionary (JSON) or as a FileAccess to parse. What sets Resources apart is their inheritance of Object, RefCounted, and Resource features:
它们可以定义常量, 因此不需要其他数据字段或对象中的常量.
它们可以定义方法, 包括属性的
方法. 这允许对基础数据进行抽象和封装. 如果资源脚本的结构需要更改, 则使用资源的游戏则不必更改.它们可以定义信号, 因此
可以触发对所管理数据更改的响应.它们具有已定义的属性, 因此用户知道其数据将100%存在.
资源自动序列化和反序列化是一个Godot引擎的内置功能. 用户无需实现自定义逻辑即可导入/导出资源文件的数据.
资源甚至可以递归地序列化子资源, 这意味着用户可以设计更复杂的数据结构.
). 导出游戏后,Godot将资源文件序列化为二进制文件(*.res
), 以提高速度和压缩率.Godot 引擎的检查器开箱即用地渲染和编辑资源文件。这样,用户通常不需要实现自定义逻辑即可可视化或编辑其数据。为此,请在文件系统面板中双击资源文件,或在检查器中点击文件夹图标,然后在对话框中打开该文件。
它们可以扩展除基本 Resource 之外的其他资源类型。
Godot 可以轻松地在检查器面板中创建自定义 Resource。
在检查器面板中创建一个普通的 Resource 对象。只要是扩展自 Resource 的类型,你的脚本就可以去扩展。
现在,检查器将显示 Resource 脚本的自定义属性。如果编辑这些值并保存资源,则检查器也会序列化自定义属性!要从检查器中保存资源,请点击检查器的工具菜单(右上角),然后选择“保存”或“另存为...”。
如果脚本的语言支持脚本类,则可以简化该过程。仅为脚本定义名称会将其添加到“检查器”的创建对话框。这会将脚本自动添加到您创建的 Resource 对象中。
Let's see some examples.
Create a Resource and name it bot_stats
It should appear in your file tab with the full name bot_stats.tres
Without a script, it's useless, so let's add some data and logic!
Attach a script to it named
(or just create a new script, and then drag it to it).
extends Resource
@export var health: int
@export var sub_resource: Resource
@export var strings: PackedStringArray
# Make sure that every parameter has a default value.
# Otherwise, there will be problems with creating and editing
# your resource via the inspector.
func _init(p_health = 0, p_sub_resource = null, p_strings = []):
health = p_health
sub_resource = p_sub_resource
strings = p_strings
// BotStats.cs
using Godot;
namespace ExampleProject
public partial class BotStats : Resource
public int Health { get; set; }
public Resource SubResource { get; set; }
public string[] Strings { get; set; }
// Make sure you provide a parameterless constructor.
// In C#, a parameterless constructor is different from a
// constructor with all default values.
// Without a parameterless constructor, Godot will have problems
// creating and editing your resource via the inspector.
public BotStats() : this(0, null, null) {}
public BotStats(int health, Resource subResource, string[] strings)
Health = health;
SubResource = subResource;
Strings = strings ?? System.Array.Empty<string>();
Now, create a CharacterBody3D, name it Bot
, and add the following script to it:
extends CharacterBody3D
@export var stats: Resource
func _ready():
# Uses an implicit, duck-typed interface for any 'health'-compatible resources.
if stats: = 10
# Prints "10"
// Bot.cs
using Godot;
namespace ExampleProject
public partial class Bot : CharacterBody3D
public Resource Stats;
public override void _Ready()
if (Stats is BotStats botStats)
GD.Print(botStats.Health); // Prints '10'.
Now, select the CharacterBody3D node which we named bot
, and drag&drop the bot_stats.tres
resource onto the Inspector. It should print 10! Obviously, this setup can be used for more advanced features than this, but as long you really understand how it all worked, you should figure out everything else related to Resources.
资源脚本类似于 Unity 的 ScriptableObject。检查器为自定义资源提供内置支持。如果需要的话,用户甚至可以设计自己的基于 Control 控件的工具脚本,并将它们与一个 EditorPlugin 结合起来,以为他们的数据创建自定义的可视化和编辑器。
Unreal Engine's DataTables and CurveTables are also easy to recreate with Resource scripts. DataTables are a String mapped to a custom struct, similar to a Dictionary mapping a String to a secondary custom Resource script.
extends Resource
const BotStats = preload("")
var data = {
"GodotBot":, # Creates instance with 10 health.
"DifferentBot": # A different one with 20 health.
func _init():
using Godot;
public partial class BotStatsTable : Resource
private Godot.Dictionary<string, BotStats> _stats = new Godot.Dictionary<string, BotStats>();
public BotStatsTable()
_stats["GodotBot"] = new BotStats(10); // Creates instance with 10 health.
_stats["DifferentBot"] = new BotStats(20); // A different one with 20 health.
Instead of inlining the Dictionary values, one could also, alternatively:
Import a table of values from a spreadsheet and generate these key-value pairs.
Design a visualization within the editor and create a plugin that adds it to the Inspector when you open these types of Resources.
请注意,资源文件(*.tres/*.res)将在文件中存储它们使用的脚本的路径。加载后,它们将获取并加载此脚本作为其类型的扩展。这意味着尝试指定一个子类,即脚本的内部类(例如在 GDScript 中使用 class
关键字)将不起作用。Godot 将无法正确序列化脚本子类上的自定义属性。
在下面的示例中,Godot 将加载 Node
脚本,并看到它没有扩展 Resource
,然后判断脚本由于类型不兼容而无法为 Resource 对象加载。
extends Node
class MyResource:
extends Resource
@export var value = 5
func _ready():
var my_res =
# This will NOT serialize the 'value' property., "res://my_res.tres")
using Godot;
public partial class MyNode : Node
public partial class MyResource : Resource
public int Value { get; set; } = 5;
public override void _Ready()
var res = new MyResource();
// This will NOT serialize the 'Value' property.
ResourceSaver.Save(res, "res://MyRes.tres");