Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: XRInterface < RefCounted < Object

Base class for XR interface extensions (plugins).


External XR interface plugins should inherit from this class.




_end_frame ( ) virtual


_get_anchor_detection_is_enabled ( ) virtual const


_get_camera_feed_id ( ) virtual const


_get_camera_transform ( ) virtual


_get_capabilities ( ) virtual const


_get_color_texture ( ) virtual


_get_depth_texture ( ) virtual


_get_name ( ) virtual const


_get_play_area ( ) virtual const


_get_play_area_mode ( ) virtual const


_get_projection_for_view ( int view, float aspect, float z_near, float z_far ) virtual


_get_render_target_size ( ) virtual


_get_suggested_pose_names ( StringName tracker_name ) virtual const


_get_suggested_tracker_names ( ) virtual const


_get_system_info ( ) virtual const


_get_tracking_status ( ) virtual const


_get_transform_for_view ( int view, Transform3D cam_transform ) virtual


_get_velocity_texture ( ) virtual


_get_view_count ( ) virtual


_get_vrs_texture ( ) virtual


_initialize ( ) virtual


_is_initialized ( ) virtual const


_post_draw_viewport ( RID render_target, Rect2 screen_rect ) virtual


_pre_draw_viewport ( RID render_target ) virtual


_pre_render ( ) virtual


_process ( ) virtual


_set_anchor_detection_is_enabled ( bool enabled ) virtual


_set_play_area_mode ( PlayAreaMode mode ) virtual const


_supports_play_area_mode ( PlayAreaMode mode ) virtual const


_trigger_haptic_pulse ( String action_name, StringName tracker_name, float frequency, float amplitude, float duration_sec, float delay_sec ) virtual


_uninitialize ( ) virtual


add_blit ( RID render_target, Rect2 src_rect, Rect2i dst_rect, bool use_layer, int layer, bool apply_lens_distortion, Vector2 eye_center, float k1, float k2, float upscale, float aspect_ratio )


get_color_texture ( )


get_depth_texture ( )


get_render_target_texture ( RID render_target )


get_velocity_texture ( )

Method Descriptions

void _end_frame ( ) virtual

Called if interface is active and queues have been submitted.

bool _get_anchor_detection_is_enabled ( ) virtual const

Return true if anchor detection is enabled for this interface.

int _get_camera_feed_id ( ) virtual const

Returns the camera feed ID for the CameraFeed registered with the CameraServer that should be presented as the background on an AR capable device (if applicable).

Transform3D _get_camera_transform ( ) virtual

Returns the Transform3D that positions the XRCamera3D in the world.

int _get_capabilities ( ) virtual const

Returns the capabilities of this interface.

RID _get_color_texture ( ) virtual

Return color texture into which to render (if applicable).

RID _get_depth_texture ( ) virtual

Return depth texture into which to render (if applicable).

StringName _get_name ( ) virtual const

Returns the name of this interface.

PackedVector3Array _get_play_area ( ) virtual const

Returns an PackedVector3Array that denotes the play areas boundaries (if applicable).

PlayAreaMode _get_play_area_mode ( ) virtual const

Returns the PlayAreaMode that sets up our play area.

PackedFloat64Array _get_projection_for_view ( int view, float aspect, float z_near, float z_far ) virtual

Returns the projection matrix for the given view as a PackedFloat64Array.

Vector2 _get_render_target_size ( ) virtual

Returns the size of our render target for this interface, this overrides the size of the Viewport marked as the xr viewport.

PackedStringArray _get_suggested_pose_names ( StringName tracker_name ) virtual const

Returns a PackedStringArray with pose names configured by this interface. Note that user configuration can override this list.

PackedStringArray _get_suggested_tracker_names ( ) virtual const

Returns a PackedStringArray with tracker names configured by this interface. Note that user configuration can override this list.

Dictionary _get_system_info ( ) virtual const

Returns a Dictionary with system information related to this interface.

TrackingStatus _get_tracking_status ( ) virtual const

Returns a TrackingStatus specifying the current status of our tracking.

Transform3D _get_transform_for_view ( int view, Transform3D cam_transform ) virtual

Returns a Transform3D for a given view.

RID _get_velocity_texture ( ) virtual

Return velocity texture into which to render (if applicable).

int _get_view_count ( ) virtual

Returns the number of views this interface requires, 1 for mono, 2 for stereoscopic.

RID _get_vrs_texture ( ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _initialize ( ) virtual

Initializes the interface, returns true on success.

bool _is_initialized ( ) virtual const

Returns true if this interface has been initialized.

void _post_draw_viewport ( RID render_target, Rect2 screen_rect ) virtual

Called after the XR Viewport draw logic has completed.

bool _pre_draw_viewport ( RID render_target ) virtual

Called if this is our primary XRInterfaceExtension before we start processing a Viewport for every active XR Viewport, returns true if that viewport should be rendered. An XR interface may return false if the user has taken off their headset and we can pause rendering.

void _pre_render ( ) virtual

Called if this XRInterfaceExtension is active before rendering starts. Most XR interfaces will sync tracking at this point in time.

void _process ( ) virtual

Called if this XRInterfaceExtension is active before our physics and game process is called. Most XR interfaces will update its XRPositionalTrackers at this point in time.

void _set_anchor_detection_is_enabled ( bool enabled ) virtual

Enables anchor detection on this interface if supported.

bool _set_play_area_mode ( PlayAreaMode mode ) virtual const

Set the play area mode for this interface.

bool _supports_play_area_mode ( PlayAreaMode mode ) virtual const

Returns true if this interface supports this play area mode.

void _trigger_haptic_pulse ( String action_name, StringName tracker_name, float frequency, float amplitude, float duration_sec, float delay_sec ) virtual

Triggers a haptic pulse to be emitted on the specified tracker.

void _uninitialize ( ) virtual

Uninitialize the interface.

void add_blit ( RID render_target, Rect2 src_rect, Rect2i dst_rect, bool use_layer, int layer, bool apply_lens_distortion, Vector2 eye_center, float k1, float k2, float upscale, float aspect_ratio )

Blits our render results to screen optionally applying lens distortion. This can only be called while processing _commit_views.

RID get_color_texture ( )

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

RID get_depth_texture ( )

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

RID get_render_target_texture ( RID render_target )

Returns a valid RID for a texture to which we should render the current frame if supported by the interface.

RID get_velocity_texture ( )

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!