Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: TextServer < RefCounted < Object

Inherited By: TextServerAdvanced, TextServerDummy, TextServerFallback

Base class for custom TextServer implementations (plugins).


External TextServer implementations should inherit from this class.



_cleanup ( ) virtual


_create_font ( ) virtual


_create_shaped_text ( Direction direction, Orientation orientation ) virtual


_draw_hex_code_box ( RID canvas, int size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const


_font_clear_glyphs ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual


_font_clear_kerning_map ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual


_font_clear_size_cache ( RID font_rid ) virtual


_font_clear_textures ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual


_font_draw_glyph ( RID font_rid, RID canvas, int size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const


_font_draw_glyph_outline ( RID font_rid, RID canvas, int size, int outline_size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const


_font_get_antialiasing ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_ascent ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_char_from_glyph_index ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph_index ) virtual const


_font_get_descent ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_embolden ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_face_count ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_face_index ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_fixed_size ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_generate_mipmaps ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_global_oversampling ( ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_advance ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_contours ( RID font_rid, int size, int index ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_index ( RID font_rid, int size, int char, int variation_selector ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_list ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_offset ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_texture_idx ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_texture_rid ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_texture_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_glyph_uv_rect ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const


_font_get_hinting ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair ) virtual const


_font_get_kerning_list ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual


_font_get_language_support_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual


_font_get_msdf_pixel_range ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_msdf_size ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_name ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_opentype_feature_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_ot_name_strings ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_oversampling ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_scale ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual


_font_get_script_support_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual


_font_get_size_cache_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_spacing ( RID font_rid, SpacingType spacing ) virtual const


_font_get_stretch ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_style ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_style_name ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_subpixel_positioning ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_supported_chars ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_texture_count ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual const


_font_get_texture_image ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual const


_font_get_texture_offsets ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual const


_font_get_transform ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_underline_position ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_underline_thickness ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const


_font_get_variation_coordinates ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_get_weight ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_has_char ( RID font_rid, int char ) virtual const


_font_is_allow_system_fallback ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_is_force_autohinter ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_is_language_supported ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual const


_font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_is_script_supported ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual const


_font_remove_glyph ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual


_font_remove_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair ) virtual


_font_remove_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual


_font_remove_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual


_font_remove_size_cache ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual


_font_remove_texture ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual


_font_render_glyph ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int index ) virtual


_font_render_range ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int start, int end ) virtual


_font_set_allow_system_fallback ( RID font_rid, bool allow_system_fallback ) virtual


_font_set_antialiasing ( RID font_rid, FontAntialiasing antialiasing ) virtual


_font_set_ascent ( RID font_rid, int size, float ascent ) virtual


_font_set_data ( RID font_rid, PackedByteArray data ) virtual


_font_set_data_ptr ( RID font_rid, const uint8_t* data_ptr, int data_size ) virtual


_font_set_descent ( RID font_rid, int size, float descent ) virtual


_font_set_embolden ( RID font_rid, float strength ) virtual


_font_set_face_index ( RID font_rid, int face_index ) virtual


_font_set_fixed_size ( RID font_rid, int fixed_size ) virtual


_font_set_force_autohinter ( RID font_rid, bool force_autohinter ) virtual


_font_set_generate_mipmaps ( RID font_rid, bool generate_mipmaps ) virtual


_font_set_global_oversampling ( float oversampling ) virtual


_font_set_glyph_advance ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph, Vector2 advance ) virtual


_font_set_glyph_offset ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Vector2 offset ) virtual


_font_set_glyph_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Vector2 gl_size ) virtual


_font_set_glyph_texture_idx ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, int texture_idx ) virtual


_font_set_glyph_uv_rect ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Rect2 uv_rect ) virtual


_font_set_hinting ( RID font_rid, Hinting hinting ) virtual


_font_set_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair, Vector2 kerning ) virtual


_font_set_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language, bool supported ) virtual


_font_set_msdf_pixel_range ( RID font_rid, int msdf_pixel_range ) virtual


_font_set_msdf_size ( RID font_rid, int msdf_size ) virtual


_font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field ( RID font_rid, bool msdf ) virtual


_font_set_name ( RID font_rid, String name ) virtual


_font_set_opentype_feature_overrides ( RID font_rid, Dictionary overrides ) virtual


_font_set_oversampling ( RID font_rid, float oversampling ) virtual


_font_set_scale ( RID font_rid, int size, float scale ) virtual


_font_set_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script, bool supported ) virtual


_font_set_spacing ( RID font_rid, SpacingType spacing, int value ) virtual


_font_set_stretch ( RID font_rid, int stretch ) virtual


_font_set_style ( RID font_rid, BitField<FontStyle> style ) virtual


_font_set_style_name ( RID font_rid, String name_style ) virtual


_font_set_subpixel_positioning ( RID font_rid, SubpixelPositioning subpixel_positioning ) virtual


_font_set_texture_image ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index, Image image ) virtual


_font_set_texture_offsets ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index, PackedInt32Array offset ) virtual


_font_set_transform ( RID font_rid, Transform2D transform ) virtual


_font_set_underline_position ( RID font_rid, int size, float underline_position ) virtual


_font_set_underline_thickness ( RID font_rid, int size, float underline_thickness ) virtual


_font_set_variation_coordinates ( RID font_rid, Dictionary variation_coordinates ) virtual


_font_set_weight ( RID font_rid, int weight ) virtual


_font_supported_feature_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_font_supported_variation_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const


_format_number ( String string, String language ) virtual const


_free_rid ( RID rid ) virtual


_get_features ( ) virtual const


_get_hex_code_box_size ( int size, int index ) virtual const


_get_name ( ) virtual const


_get_support_data_filename ( ) virtual const


_get_support_data_info ( ) virtual const


_has ( RID rid ) virtual


_has_feature ( Feature feature ) virtual const


_is_confusable ( String string, PackedStringArray dict ) virtual const


_is_locale_right_to_left ( String locale ) virtual const


_is_valid_identifier ( String string ) virtual const


_load_support_data ( String filename ) virtual


_name_to_tag ( String name ) virtual const


_parse_number ( String string, String language ) virtual const


_parse_structured_text ( StructuredTextParser parser_type, Array args, String text ) virtual const


_percent_sign ( String language ) virtual const


_save_support_data ( String filename ) virtual const


_shaped_get_span_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_get_span_meta ( RID shaped, int index ) virtual const


_shaped_set_span_update_font ( RID shaped, int index, RID[] fonts, int size, Dictionary opentype_features ) virtual


_shaped_text_add_object ( RID shaped, Variant key, Vector2 size, InlineAlignment inline_align, int length, float baseline ) virtual


_shaped_text_add_string ( RID shaped, String text, RID[] fonts, int size, Dictionary opentype_features, String language, Variant meta ) virtual


_shaped_text_clear ( RID shaped ) virtual


_shaped_text_closest_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_draw ( RID shaped, RID canvas, Vector2 pos, float clip_l, float clip_r, Color color ) virtual const


_shaped_text_draw_outline ( RID shaped, RID canvas, Vector2 pos, float clip_l, float clip_r, int outline_size, Color color ) virtual const


_shaped_text_fit_to_width ( RID shaped, float width, BitField<JustificationFlag> justification_flags ) virtual


_shaped_text_get_ascent ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_carets ( RID shaped, int position, CaretInfo* caret ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_character_breaks ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_descent ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_direction ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_dominant_direction_in_range ( RID shaped, int start, int end ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const

const Glyph*

_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_glyph_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const

const Glyph*

_shaped_text_get_glyphs ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_grapheme_bounds ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_inferred_direction ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_line_breaks ( RID shaped, float width, int start, BitField<LineBreakFlag> break_flags ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv ( RID shaped, PackedFloat32Array width, int start, bool once, BitField<LineBreakFlag> break_flags ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_object_rect ( RID shaped, Variant key ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_objects ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_orientation ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_parent ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_preserve_control ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_range ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_selection ( RID shaped, int start, int end ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_size ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_spacing ( RID shaped, SpacingType spacing ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_trim_pos ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_underline_position ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_underline_thickness ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_width ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_get_word_breaks ( RID shaped, BitField<GraphemeFlag> grapheme_flags ) virtual const


_shaped_text_hit_test_grapheme ( RID shaped, float coord ) virtual const


_shaped_text_hit_test_position ( RID shaped, float coord ) virtual const


_shaped_text_is_ready ( RID shaped ) virtual const


_shaped_text_next_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width ( RID shaped, float width, BitField<TextOverrunFlag> trim_flags ) virtual


_shaped_text_prev_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const


_shaped_text_resize_object ( RID shaped, Variant key, Vector2 size, InlineAlignment inline_align, float baseline ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_bidi_override ( RID shaped, Array override ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation ( RID shaped, String punct ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_direction ( RID shaped, Direction direction ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_orientation ( RID shaped, Orientation orientation ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_preserve_control ( RID shaped, bool enabled ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid ( RID shaped, bool enabled ) virtual


_shaped_text_set_spacing ( RID shaped, SpacingType spacing, int value ) virtual


_shaped_text_shape ( RID shaped ) virtual

const Glyph*

_shaped_text_sort_logical ( RID shaped ) virtual


_shaped_text_substr ( RID shaped, int start, int length ) virtual const


_shaped_text_tab_align ( RID shaped, PackedFloat32Array tab_stops ) virtual


_shaped_text_update_breaks ( RID shaped ) virtual


_shaped_text_update_justification_ops ( RID shaped ) virtual


_spoof_check ( String string ) virtual const


_string_get_character_breaks ( String string, String language ) virtual const


_string_get_word_breaks ( String string, String language, int chars_per_line ) virtual const


_string_to_lower ( String string, String language ) virtual const


_string_to_upper ( String string, String language ) virtual const


_strip_diacritics ( String string ) virtual const


_tag_to_name ( int tag ) virtual const

Method Descriptions

void _cleanup ( ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

RID _create_font ( ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

RID _create_shaped_text ( Direction direction, Orientation orientation ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _draw_hex_code_box ( RID canvas, int size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_clear_glyphs ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_clear_kerning_map ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_clear_size_cache ( RID font_rid ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_clear_textures ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_draw_glyph ( RID font_rid, RID canvas, int size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_draw_glyph_outline ( RID font_rid, RID canvas, int size, int outline_size, Vector2 pos, int index, Color color ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

FontAntialiasing _font_get_antialiasing ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_ascent ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_char_from_glyph_index ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph_index ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_descent ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_embolden ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_face_count ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_face_index ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_fixed_size ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_get_generate_mipmaps ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_global_oversampling ( ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2 _font_get_glyph_advance ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Dictionary _font_get_glyph_contours ( RID font_rid, int size, int index ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_glyph_index ( RID font_rid, int size, int char, int variation_selector ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

PackedInt32Array _font_get_glyph_list ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2 _font_get_glyph_offset ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2 _font_get_glyph_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_glyph_texture_idx ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

RID _font_get_glyph_texture_rid ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2 _font_get_glyph_texture_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Rect2 _font_get_glyph_uv_rect ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Hinting _font_get_hinting ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2 _font_get_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2i[] _font_get_kerning_list ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_get_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

PackedStringArray _font_get_language_support_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_msdf_pixel_range ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_msdf_size ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

String _font_get_name ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Dictionary _font_get_opentype_feature_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Dictionary _font_get_ot_name_strings ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_oversampling ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_scale ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_get_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

PackedStringArray _font_get_script_support_overrides ( RID font_rid ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Vector2i[] _font_get_size_cache_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_spacing ( RID font_rid, SpacingType spacing ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_stretch ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

BitField<FontStyle> _font_get_style ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

String _font_get_style_name ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

SubpixelPositioning _font_get_subpixel_positioning ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

String _font_get_supported_chars ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_texture_count ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Image _font_get_texture_image ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

PackedInt32Array _font_get_texture_offsets ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Transform2D _font_get_transform ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_underline_position ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

float _font_get_underline_thickness ( RID font_rid, int size ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

Dictionary _font_get_variation_coordinates ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

int _font_get_weight ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_has_char ( RID font_rid, int char ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_is_allow_system_fallback ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_is_force_autohinter ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_is_language_supported ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_is_multichannel_signed_distance_field ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

bool _font_is_script_supported ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual const

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_glyph ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_size_cache ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_remove_texture ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_render_glyph ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int index ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_render_range ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int start, int end ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_allow_system_fallback ( RID font_rid, bool allow_system_fallback ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_antialiasing ( RID font_rid, FontAntialiasing antialiasing ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_ascent ( RID font_rid, int size, float ascent ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_data ( RID font_rid, PackedByteArray data ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_data_ptr ( RID font_rid, const uint8_t* data_ptr, int data_size ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_descent ( RID font_rid, int size, float descent ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_embolden ( RID font_rid, float strength ) virtual

There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!

void _font_set_face_index ( RID font_rid, int face_index ) virtual

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void _font_set_fixed_size ( RID font_rid, int fixed_size ) virtual

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void _font_set_force_autohinter ( RID font_rid, bool force_autohinter ) virtual

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void _font_set_generate_mipmaps ( RID font_rid, bool generate_mipmaps ) virtual

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void _font_set_global_oversampling ( float oversampling ) virtual

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void _font_set_glyph_advance ( RID font_rid, int size, int glyph, Vector2 advance ) virtual

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void _font_set_glyph_offset ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Vector2 offset ) virtual

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void _font_set_glyph_size ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Vector2 gl_size ) virtual

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void _font_set_glyph_texture_idx ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, int texture_idx ) virtual

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void _font_set_glyph_uv_rect ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int glyph, Rect2 uv_rect ) virtual

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void _font_set_hinting ( RID font_rid, Hinting hinting ) virtual

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void _font_set_kerning ( RID font_rid, int size, Vector2i glyph_pair, Vector2 kerning ) virtual

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void _font_set_language_support_override ( RID font_rid, String language, bool supported ) virtual

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void _font_set_msdf_pixel_range ( RID font_rid, int msdf_pixel_range ) virtual

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void _font_set_msdf_size ( RID font_rid, int msdf_size ) virtual

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void _font_set_multichannel_signed_distance_field ( RID font_rid, bool msdf ) virtual

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void _font_set_name ( RID font_rid, String name ) virtual

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void _font_set_opentype_feature_overrides ( RID font_rid, Dictionary overrides ) virtual

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void _font_set_oversampling ( RID font_rid, float oversampling ) virtual

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void _font_set_scale ( RID font_rid, int size, float scale ) virtual

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void _font_set_script_support_override ( RID font_rid, String script, bool supported ) virtual

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void _font_set_spacing ( RID font_rid, SpacingType spacing, int value ) virtual

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void _font_set_stretch ( RID font_rid, int stretch ) virtual

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void _font_set_style ( RID font_rid, BitField<FontStyle> style ) virtual

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void _font_set_style_name ( RID font_rid, String name_style ) virtual

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void _font_set_subpixel_positioning ( RID font_rid, SubpixelPositioning subpixel_positioning ) virtual

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void _font_set_texture_image ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index, Image image ) virtual

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void _font_set_texture_offsets ( RID font_rid, Vector2i size, int texture_index, PackedInt32Array offset ) virtual

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void _font_set_transform ( RID font_rid, Transform2D transform ) virtual

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void _font_set_underline_position ( RID font_rid, int size, float underline_position ) virtual

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void _font_set_underline_thickness ( RID font_rid, int size, float underline_thickness ) virtual

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void _font_set_variation_coordinates ( RID font_rid, Dictionary variation_coordinates ) virtual

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void _font_set_weight ( RID font_rid, int weight ) virtual

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Dictionary _font_supported_feature_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

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Dictionary _font_supported_variation_list ( RID font_rid ) virtual const

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String _format_number ( String string, String language ) virtual const

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void _free_rid ( RID rid ) virtual

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int _get_features ( ) virtual const

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Vector2 _get_hex_code_box_size ( int size, int index ) virtual const

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String _get_name ( ) virtual const

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String _get_support_data_filename ( ) virtual const

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String _get_support_data_info ( ) virtual const

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bool _has ( RID rid ) virtual

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bool _has_feature ( Feature feature ) virtual const

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int _is_confusable ( String string, PackedStringArray dict ) virtual const

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bool _is_locale_right_to_left ( String locale ) virtual const

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bool _is_valid_identifier ( String string ) virtual const

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bool _load_support_data ( String filename ) virtual

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int _name_to_tag ( String name ) virtual const

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String _parse_number ( String string, String language ) virtual const

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Vector3i[] _parse_structured_text ( StructuredTextParser parser_type, Array args, String text ) virtual const

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String _percent_sign ( String language ) virtual const

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bool _save_support_data ( String filename ) virtual const

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int _shaped_get_span_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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Variant _shaped_get_span_meta ( RID shaped, int index ) virtual const

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void _shaped_set_span_update_font ( RID shaped, int index, RID[] fonts, int size, Dictionary opentype_features ) virtual

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bool _shaped_text_add_object ( RID shaped, Variant key, Vector2 size, InlineAlignment inline_align, int length, float baseline ) virtual

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bool _shaped_text_add_string ( RID shaped, String text, RID[] fonts, int size, Dictionary opentype_features, String language, Variant meta ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_clear ( RID shaped ) virtual

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int _shaped_text_closest_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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void _shaped_text_draw ( RID shaped, RID canvas, Vector2 pos, float clip_l, float clip_r, Color color ) virtual const

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void _shaped_text_draw_outline ( RID shaped, RID canvas, Vector2 pos, float clip_l, float clip_r, int outline_size, Color color ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_fit_to_width ( RID shaped, float width, BitField<JustificationFlag> justification_flags ) virtual

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float _shaped_text_get_ascent ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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void _shaped_text_get_carets ( RID shaped, int position, CaretInfo* caret ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _shaped_text_get_character_breaks ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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String _shaped_text_get_custom_punctuation ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_get_descent ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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Direction _shaped_text_get_direction ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_dominant_direction_in_range ( RID shaped, int start, int end ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyph_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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const Glyph* _shaped_text_get_ellipsis_glyphs ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_ellipsis_pos ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_glyph_count ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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const Glyph* _shaped_text_get_glyphs ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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Vector2 _shaped_text_get_grapheme_bounds ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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Direction _shaped_text_get_inferred_direction ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _shaped_text_get_line_breaks ( RID shaped, float width, int start, BitField<LineBreakFlag> break_flags ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _shaped_text_get_line_breaks_adv ( RID shaped, PackedFloat32Array width, int start, bool once, BitField<LineBreakFlag> break_flags ) virtual const

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Rect2 _shaped_text_get_object_rect ( RID shaped, Variant key ) virtual const

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Array _shaped_text_get_objects ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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Orientation _shaped_text_get_orientation ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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RID _shaped_text_get_parent ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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bool _shaped_text_get_preserve_control ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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bool _shaped_text_get_preserve_invalid ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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Vector2i _shaped_text_get_range ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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PackedVector2Array _shaped_text_get_selection ( RID shaped, int start, int end ) virtual const

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Vector2 _shaped_text_get_size ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_spacing ( RID shaped, SpacingType spacing ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_get_trim_pos ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_get_underline_position ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_get_underline_thickness ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_get_width ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _shaped_text_get_word_breaks ( RID shaped, BitField<GraphemeFlag> grapheme_flags ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_hit_test_grapheme ( RID shaped, float coord ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_hit_test_position ( RID shaped, float coord ) virtual const

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bool _shaped_text_is_ready ( RID shaped ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_next_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_next_grapheme_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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void _shaped_text_overrun_trim_to_width ( RID shaped, float width, BitField<TextOverrunFlag> trim_flags ) virtual

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int _shaped_text_prev_character_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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int _shaped_text_prev_grapheme_pos ( RID shaped, int pos ) virtual const

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bool _shaped_text_resize_object ( RID shaped, Variant key, Vector2 size, InlineAlignment inline_align, float baseline ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_bidi_override ( RID shaped, Array override ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_custom_punctuation ( RID shaped, String punct ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_direction ( RID shaped, Direction direction ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_orientation ( RID shaped, Orientation orientation ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_preserve_control ( RID shaped, bool enabled ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_preserve_invalid ( RID shaped, bool enabled ) virtual

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void _shaped_text_set_spacing ( RID shaped, SpacingType spacing, int value ) virtual

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bool _shaped_text_shape ( RID shaped ) virtual

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const Glyph* _shaped_text_sort_logical ( RID shaped ) virtual

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RID _shaped_text_substr ( RID shaped, int start, int length ) virtual const

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float _shaped_text_tab_align ( RID shaped, PackedFloat32Array tab_stops ) virtual

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bool _shaped_text_update_breaks ( RID shaped ) virtual

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bool _shaped_text_update_justification_ops ( RID shaped ) virtual

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bool _spoof_check ( String string ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _string_get_character_breaks ( String string, String language ) virtual const

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PackedInt32Array _string_get_word_breaks ( String string, String language, int chars_per_line ) virtual const

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String _string_to_lower ( String string, String language ) virtual const

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String _string_to_upper ( String string, String language ) virtual const

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String _strip_diacritics ( String string ) virtual const

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String _tag_to_name ( int tag ) virtual const

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