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Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object
A color transition.
This resource describes a color transition by defining a set of colored points and how to interpolate between them.
See also Curve which supports more complex easing methods, but does not support colors.
void |
get_offset ( int point ) |
get_point_count ( ) const |
void |
remove_point ( int point ) |
void |
reverse ( ) |
void |
void |
set_offset ( int point, float offset ) |
enum InterpolationMode:
Linear interpolation.
Constant interpolation, color changes abruptly at each point and stays uniform between. This might cause visible aliasing when used for a gradient texture in some cases.
Cubic interpolation.
enum ColorSpace:
sRGB color space.
Linear sRGB color space.
Oklab color space. This color space provides a smooth and uniform-looking transition between colors.
Property Descriptions¶
PackedColorArray colors = PackedColorArray(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
void set_colors ( PackedColorArray value )
PackedColorArray get_colors ( )
Gradient's colors returned as a PackedColorArray.
Note: This property returns a copy, modifying the return value does not update the gradient. To update the gradient use set_color method (for updating colors individually) or assign to this property directly (for bulk-updating all colors at once).
ColorSpace interpolation_color_space = 0
void set_interpolation_color_space ( ColorSpace value )
ColorSpace get_interpolation_color_space ( )
The color space used to interpolate between points of the gradient. It does not affect the returned colors, which will always be in sRGB space. See ColorSpace for available modes.
Note: This setting has no effect when interpolation_mode is set to GRADIENT_INTERPOLATE_CONSTANT.
InterpolationMode interpolation_mode = 0
void set_interpolation_mode ( InterpolationMode value )
InterpolationMode get_interpolation_mode ( )
The algorithm used to interpolate between points of the gradient. See InterpolationMode for available modes.
PackedFloat32Array offsets = PackedFloat32Array(0, 1)
void set_offsets ( PackedFloat32Array value )
PackedFloat32Array get_offsets ( )
Gradient's offsets returned as a PackedFloat32Array.
Note: This property returns a copy, modifying the return value does not update the gradient. To update the gradient use set_offset method (for updating offsets individually) or assign to this property directly (for bulk-updating all offsets at once).
Method Descriptions¶
void add_point ( float offset, Color color )
Adds the specified color to the gradient, with the specified offset.
Returns the color of the gradient color at index point
float get_offset ( int point )
Returns the offset of the gradient color at index point
int get_point_count ( ) const
Returns the number of colors in the gradient.
void remove_point ( int point )
Removes the color at index point
void reverse ( )
Reverses/mirrors the gradient.
Note: This method mirrors all points around the middle of the gradient, which may produce unexpected results when interpolation_mode is set to GRADIENT_INTERPOLATE_CONSTANT.
Returns the interpolated color specified by offset
void set_color ( int point, Color color )
Sets the color of the gradient color at index point
void set_offset ( int point, float offset )
Sets the offset for the gradient color at index point