Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.



信号是 Godot 内置的委派机制,允许一个游戏对象对另一个游戏对象的变化做出反应,而无需相互引用。使用信号可以限制耦合,并保持代码的灵活性。

For example, you might have a life bar on the screen that represents the player's health. When the player takes damage or uses a healing potion, you want the bar to reflect the change. To do so, in Godot, you would use signals.


正如引言中提到的,信号是 Godot 版本的观察者模式。您可以在此处了解有关它的更多信息:

现在,我们将使用信号来使上一节课(监听玩家的输入)中的 Godot 图标移动,并通过按下按钮来停止。


To add a button to our game, we will create a new main scene which will include both a Button and the sprite_2d.tscn scene we created in the 创建第一个脚本 lesson.

通过转到菜单“场景 -> 新建场景”来创建新场景。


In the Scene dock, click the 2D Scene button. This will add a Node2D as our root.


In the FileSystem dock, click and drag the sprite_2d.tscn file you saved previously onto the Node2D to instantiate it.


We want to add another node as a sibling of the Sprite2D. To do so, right-click on Node2D and select Add Child Node.


Search for the Button node and add it.







You can also write a label on the Button by editing its Text property in the Inspector. Enter Toggle motion.




Save your newly created scene as node_2d.tscn, if you haven't already. You can then run it with F6 (Cmd + R on macOS). At the moment, the button will be visible, but nothing will happen if you press it.


Here, we want to connect the Button's "pressed" signal to our Sprite2D, and we want to call a new function that will toggle its motion on and off. We need to have a script attached to the Sprite2D node, which we do from the previous lesson.

您可以在“节点”面板中连接信号。选择 Button 节点,然后在编辑器的右侧,单击检查器旁边名为“节点”的选项卡。






There, you can connect the signal to the Sprite2D node. The node needs a receiver method, a function that Godot will call when the Button emits the signal. The editor generates one for you. By convention, we name these callback methods "_on_node_name_signal_name". Here, it'll be "_on_button_pressed".









让我们用代码替换带有 pass 关键字的一行,以切换节点的运动。

Our Sprite2D moves thanks to code in the _process() function. Godot provides a method to toggle processing on and off: Node.set_process(). Another method of the Node class, is_processing(), returns true if idle processing is active. We can use the not keyword to invert the value.

func _on_button_pressed():
    set_process(not is_processing())


在尝试游戏之前,我们需要简化 _process() 函数,以自动移动节点,而不是等待用户输入。将其替换为以下代码,这是我们在两课前看到的代码:

func _process(delta):
    rotation += angular_speed * delta
    var velocity = Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation) * speed
    position += velocity * delta

Your complete code should look like the following.

extends Sprite2D

var speed = 400
var angular_speed = PI

func _process(delta):
    rotation += angular_speed * delta
    var velocity = Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation) * speed
    position += velocity * delta

func _on_button_pressed():
    set_process(not is_processing())




让我们在这里使用一个不同的节点。Godot 有一个 Timer 节点,可用于实现技能冷却时间、武器重装等。

回到 2D 工作区。你可以点击窗口顶部的“2D”文字,或者按 Ctrl + F1(macOS 上则是 Alt + 1)。

In the Scene dock, right-click on the Sprite2D node and add a new child node. Search for Timer and add the corresponding node. Your scene should now look like this.


With the Timer node selected, go to the Inspector and enable the Autostart property.


Click the script icon next to Sprite2D to jump back to the scripting workspace.



  1. Get a reference to the Timer from the Sprite2D.

  2. Call the connect() method on the Timer's "timeout" signal.


To connect to a signal via code, you need to call the connect() method of the signal you want to listen to. In this case, we want to listen to the Timer's "timeout" signal.

我们想要在场景实例化时连接信号,那么就可以在 Node._ready() 中实现。引擎会在节点完全实例化后自动调用这个函数。

为了获取相对于当前节点的引用,我们使用方法 Node.get_node()。我们可以将引用存储在变量中。

func _ready():
    var timer = get_node("Timer")

The function get_node() looks at the Sprite2D's children and gets nodes by their name. For example, if you renamed the Timer node to "BlinkingTimer" in the editor, you would have to change the call to get_node("BlinkingTimer").

We can now connect the Timer to the Sprite2D in the _ready() function.

func _ready():
    var timer = get_node("Timer")

The line reads like so: we connect the Timer's "timeout" signal to the node to which the script is attached. When the Timer emits timeout, we want to call the function _on_timer_timeout(), that we need to define. Let's add it at the bottom of our script and use it to toggle our sprite's visibility.


By convention, we name these callback methods in GDScript as "_on_node_name_signal_name" and in C# as "OnNodeNameSignalName". Here, it'll be "_on_timer_timeout" for GDScript and OnTimerTimeout() for C#.

func _on_timer_timeout():
    visible = not visible

visible 属性是一个布尔值,用于控制节点的可见性。visible = not visible 行切换该值。如果 visibletrue,它就会变成 false,反之亦然。



That's it for our little moving and blinking Godot icon demo! Here is the complete file for reference.

extends Sprite2D

var speed = 400
var angular_speed = PI

func _ready():
    var timer = get_node("Timer")

func _process(delta):
    rotation += angular_speed * delta
    var velocity = Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation) * speed
    position += velocity * delta

func _on_button_pressed():
    set_process(not is_processing())

func _on_timer_timeout():
    visible = not visible




您可以在脚本中定义自定义信号。例如,假设您希望在玩家的生命值为零时通过屏幕显示游戏结束。为此,当他们的生命值达到 0 时,您可以定义一个名为“died”或“health_depleted”的信号。

extends Node2D

signal health_depleted

var health = 10





To emit a signal in your scripts, call emit() on the signal.

func take_damage(amount):
    health -= amount
    if health <= 0:


extends Node

signal health_changed(old_value, new_value)

var health = 10


这些信号参数显示在编辑器的节点停靠面板中,Godot 可以使用它们为您生成回调函数。但是,发出信号时仍然可以发出任意数量的参数;所以由你来决定是否发出正确的值。

To emit values along with the signal, add them as extra arguments to the emit() function:

func take_damage(amount):
    var old_health = health
    health -= amount
    health_changed.emit(old_health, health)


Godot 中的任何节点都会在发生特定事件时发出信号,例如按下按钮。其他节点可以连接到单个信号并对所选事件做出反应。


例如,代表金币的 Area2D 会在玩家的物理实体进入其碰撞形状时发出 body_entered 信号,让你知道玩家收集到了金币。

在下一节 您的第一个 2D 游戏 中,你将创建一个完整的 2D 游戏,使用目前为止学到的东西进行实战。