Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


有没有想过应该用数据结构Y还是Z, 来处理问题X ?本文涵盖了与这些困境有关的各种主题.

Adding nodes and changing properties: which first?

When initializing nodes from a script at runtime, you may need to change properties such as the node's name or position. A common dilemma is, when should you change those values?

It is the best practice to change values on a node before adding it to the scene tree. Some property's setters have code to update other corresponding values, and that code can be slow! For most cases, this code has no impact on your game's performance, but in heavy use cases such as procedural generation, it can bring your game to a crawl.

For these reasons, it is always a best practice to set the initial values of a node before adding it to the scene tree.


在 GDScript 中,存在全局 preload 方法。它尽可能早地加载资源,以便提前进行“加载”操作,并避免在执行性能敏感的代码时加载资源。

Its counterpart, the load method, loads a resource only when it reaches the load statement. That is, it will load a resource in-place which can cause slowdowns when it occurs in the middle of sensitive processes. The load() function is also an alias for ResourceLoader.load(path) which is accessible to all scripting languages.

那么, 预加载和加载到底在什么时候发生, 又应该什么时候使用这两种方法呢?我们来看一个例子:

extends Node

# Note how constant scripts/scenes have a different naming scheme than
# their property variants.

# This value is a constant, so it spawns when the Script object loads.
# The script is preloading the value. The advantage here is that the editor
# can offer autocompletion since it must be a static path.
const BuildingScn = preload("res://building.tscn")

# 1. The script preloads the value, so it will load as a dependency
#    of the '' script file. But, because this is a
#    property rather than a constant, the object won't copy the preloaded
#    PackedScene resource into the property until the script instantiates
#    with .new().
# 2. The preloaded value is inaccessible from the Script object alone. As
#    such, preloading the value here actually does not benefit anyone.
# 3. Because the user exports the value, if this script stored on
#    a node in a scene file, the scene instantiation code will overwrite the
#    preloaded initial value anyway (wasting it). It's usually better to
#    provide null, empty, or otherwise invalid default values for exports.
# 4. It is when one instantiates this script on its own with .new() that
#    one will load "office.tscn" rather than the exported value.
export(PackedScene) var a_building = preload("office.tscn")

# Uh oh! This results in an error!
# One must assign constant values to constants. Because `load` performs a
# runtime lookup by its very nature, one cannot use it to initialize a
# constant.
const OfficeScn = load("res://office.tscn")

# Successfully loads and only when one instantiates the script! Yay!
var office_scn = load("res://office.tscn")

预加载允许脚本在加载脚本时处理所有加载. 预加载是有用的, 但也有一些时候, 人们并不希望这样. 为了区分这些情况, 我们可以考虑以下几点:

  1. 如果无法确定何时可以加载脚本, 则预加载资源, 尤其是场景或脚本, 可能会导致进一步加载, 这是人们所不希望的. 这可能会导致无意中, 在原始脚本的加载操作之上的可变长度加载时间. 在原始脚本的加载操作之上, 这可能导致意外的, 可变长度的加载时间.

  2. 如果其他东西可以代替该值(例如场景导出的初始化), 则预加载该值没有任何意义. 如果打算总是自己创建脚本, 那么这一点并不是重要因素.

  3. 如果只希望“导入”另一个类资源(脚本或者场景),那么最好的解决方法就是使用预加载常量(Preloaded Constant)。不过也有例外的情况:

    1. If the 'imported' class is liable to change, then it should be a property instead, initialized either using an export or a load() (and perhaps not even initialized until later).

    2. If the script requires a great many dependencies, and one does not wish to consume so much memory, then one may wish to, load and unload various dependencies at runtime as circumstances change. If one preloads resources into constants, then the only way to unload these resources would be to unload the entire script. If they are instead loaded properties, then one can set them to null and remove all references to the resource entirely (which, as a RefCounted-extending type, will cause the resources to delete themselves from memory).

大型关卡: 静态VS动态

如果正在创建一个大型关卡, 哪种情况是最合适的?他们应该将关卡创建为一个静态空间吗?还是他们应该分阶段加载关卡, 并根据需要改变世界的内容?

Well, the simple answer is, "when the performance requires it." The dilemma associated with the two options is one of the age-old programming choices: does one optimize memory over speed, or vice versa?

最简单的方法是使用静态关卡, 它可以一次加载所有内容. 但是, 这取决于项目, 这可能会消耗大量内存. 浪费用户的运行内存会导致程序运行缓慢, 或者计算机在同一时间尝试做的所有其他事情都会崩溃.


另一方面, 对动态系统进行编码更复杂, 即, 使用更多的编程逻辑, 这会导致出现错误和bug的机会. 如果不小心的话, 开发的系统, 会增加应用程序的技术成本.

因此, 最好的选择是…

  1. 在小型游戏中使用静态关卡.

  2. 在开发中型/大型游戏时, 如果有时间/资源, 可以去创建一个可以对节点和资源的管理进行编码的库或插件. 如果随着时间的流逝而改进, 以提高可用性和稳定性, 那么它可能会演变成跨项目的可靠工具.

  3. 为一款中/大型游戏编写动态逻辑代码, 因为你拥有编程技能, 但却没有时间或资源去完善代码(必须要完成游戏). 以后可能会进行重构, 将代码外包到插件中.

有关在运行时中, 可以交换场景的各种方式的示例, 请参见文档 手动更改场景 .