Attention: Here be dragons

This is the latest (unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.


Inherits: Texture2D < Texture < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Provides the content of a Viewport as a dynamic texture.


Provides the content of a Viewport as a dynamic Texture2D. This can be used to mix controls, 2D game objects, and 3D game objects in the same scene.

To create a ViewportTexture in code, use the Viewport.get_texture method on the target viewport.

Note: A ViewportTexture is always local to its scene (see Resource.resource_local_to_scene). If the scene root is not ready, it may return incorrect data (see Node.ready).






Property Descriptions

NodePath viewport_path = NodePath("")

  • void set_viewport_path_in_scene ( NodePath value )

  • NodePath get_viewport_path_in_scene ( )

The path to the Viewport node to display. This is relative to the scene root, not to the node that uses the texture.

Note: In the editor, this path is automatically updated when the target viewport or one of its ancestors is renamed or moved. At runtime, the path may not be able to automatically update due to the inability to determine the scene root.