Attention: Here be dragons
This is the latest
(unstable) version of this documentation, which may document features
not available in or compatible with released stable versions of Godot.
Checking the stable version of the documentation...
All classes¶
- Node
- AcceptDialog
- AnimatableBody2D
- AnimatableBody3D
- AnimatedSprite2D
- AnimatedSprite3D
- AnimationPlayer
- AnimationTree
- Area2D
- Area3D
- AspectRatioContainer
- AudioListener2D
- AudioListener3D
- AudioStreamPlayer
- AudioStreamPlayer2D
- AudioStreamPlayer3D
- BackBufferCopy
- BaseButton
- Bone2D
- BoneAttachment3D
- BoxContainer
- Button
- Camera2D
- Camera3D
- CanvasGroup
- CanvasItem(画布项)
- CanvasLayer(画布层)
- CanvasModulate
- CenterContainer
- CharacterBody2D
- CharacterBody3D
- CheckBox
- CheckButton
- CodeEdit
- CollisionObject2D
- CollisionObject3D
- CollisionPolygon2D
- CollisionPolygon3D
- CollisionShape2D
- CollisionShape3D
- ColorPicker
- ColorPickerButton
- ColorRect
- ConeTwistJoint3D
- ConfirmationDialog
- Container
- Control
- CPUParticles2D
- CPUParticles3D
- CSGBox3D
- CSGCombiner3D
- CSGCylinder3D
- CSGMesh3D
- CSGPolygon3D
- CSGPrimitive3D
- CSGShape3D
- CSGSphere3D
- CSGTorus3D
- DampedSpringJoint2D
- Decal
- DirectionalLight2D
- DirectionalLight3D
- EditorCommandPalette
- EditorFileDialog
- EditorFileSystem
- EditorInspector
- EditorPlugin
- EditorProperty
- EditorResourcePicker
- EditorResourcePreview
- EditorScriptPicker
- EditorSpinSlider
- FileDialog
- FileSystemDock
- FlowContainer
- FogVolume
- Generic6DOFJoint3D
- GeometryInstance3D
- GPUParticles2D
- GPUParticles3D
- GPUParticlesAttractor3D
- GPUParticlesAttractorBox3D
- GPUParticlesAttractorSphere3D
- GPUParticlesAttractorVectorField3D
- GPUParticlesCollision3D
- GPUParticlesCollisionBox3D
- GPUParticlesCollisionHeightField3D
- GPUParticlesCollisionSDF3D
- GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D
- GraphEdit
- GraphElement
- GraphNode
- GridContainer
- GridMap
- GrooveJoint2D
- HBoxContainer
- HFlowContainer
- HingeJoint3D
- HScrollBar
- HSeparator
- HSlider
- HSplitContainer
- HTTPRequest
- ImporterMeshInstance3D
- InstancePlaceholder
- ItemList
- Joint2D
- Joint3D
- Label
- Label3D
- Light2D
- Light3D
- LightmapGI
- LightmapProbe
- LightOccluder2D
- Line2D
- LineEdit
- LinkButton
- MarginContainer
- Marker2D
- Marker3D
- MenuBar
- MenuButton
- MeshInstance2D
- MeshInstance3D
- MissingNode
- MultiMeshInstance2D
- MultiMeshInstance3D
- MultiplayerSpawner
- MultiplayerSynchronizer
- NavigationAgent2D
- NavigationAgent3D
- NavigationLink2D
- NavigationLink3D
- NavigationObstacle2D
- NavigationObstacle3D
- NavigationRegion2D
- NavigationRegion3D
- NinePatchRect
- Node2D
- Node3D
- OccluderInstance3D
- OmniLight3D
- OpenXRHand
- OptionButton
- Panel
- PanelContainer
- ParallaxBackground
- ParallaxLayer
- Path2D
- Path3D
- PathFollow2D
- PathFollow3D
- PhysicalBone2D
- PhysicalBone3D
- PhysicsBody2D
- PhysicsBody3D
- PinJoint2D
- PinJoint3D
- PointLight2D
- Polygon2D
- Popup
- PopupMenu
- PopupPanel
- ProgressBar
- Range
- RayCast2D
- RayCast3D
- ReferenceRect
- ReflectionProbe
- RemoteTransform2D
- RemoteTransform3D
- ResourcePreloader
- RichTextLabel
- RigidBody2D
- RigidBody3D
- RootMotionView
- ScriptCreateDialog
- ScriptEditor
- ScriptEditorBase
- ScrollBar
- ScrollContainer
- Separator
- ShaderGlobalsOverride
- ShapeCast2D
- ShapeCast3D
- Skeleton2D
- Skeleton3D
- SkeletonIK3D
- Slider
- SliderJoint3D
- SoftBody3D
- SpinBox
- SplitContainer
- SpotLight3D
- SpringArm3D
- Sprite2D
- Sprite3D
- SpriteBase3D
- StaticBody2D
- StaticBody3D
- SubViewport
- SubViewportContainer
- TabBar
- TabContainer
- TextEdit
- TextureButton
- TextureProgressBar
- TextureRect
- TileMap
- Timer
- TouchScreenButton
- Tree
- VBoxContainer
- VehicleBody3D
- VehicleWheel3D
- VFlowContainer
- VideoStreamPlayer
- Viewport
- VisibleOnScreenEnabler2D
- VisibleOnScreenEnabler3D
- VisibleOnScreenNotifier2D
- VisibleOnScreenNotifier3D
- VisualInstance3D
- VoxelGI
- VScrollBar
- VSeparator
- VSlider
- VSplitContainer
- Window
- WorldEnvironment
- XRAnchor3D
- XRCamera3D
- XRController3D
- XRNode3D
- XROrigin3D
- Resource
- AnimatedTexture
- 动画
- AnimationLibrary
- AnimationNode
- AnimationNodeAdd2
- AnimationNodeAdd3
- AnimationNodeAnimation
- AnimationNodeBlend2
- AnimationNodeBlend3
- AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D
- AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D
- AnimationNodeBlendTree
- AnimationNodeOneShot
- AnimationNodeOutput
- AnimationNodeStateMachine
- AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback
- AnimationNodeStateMachineTransition
- AnimationNodeSub2
- AnimationNodeSync
- AnimationNodeTimeScale
- AnimationNodeTimeSeek
- AnimationNodeTransition
- AnimationRootNode
- ArrayMesh
- ArrayOccluder3D
- AtlasTexture
- AudioBusLayout
- AudioEffect
- AudioEffectAmplify
- AudioEffectBandLimitFilter
- AudioEffectBandPassFilter
- AudioEffectCapture
- AudioEffectChorus
- AudioEffectCompressor
- AudioEffectDelay
- AudioEffectDistortion
- AudioEffectEQ
- AudioEffectEQ10
- AudioEffectEQ21
- AudioEffectEQ6
- AudioEffectFilter
- AudioEffectHighPassFilter
- AudioEffectHighShelfFilter
- AudioEffectLimiter
- AudioEffectLowPassFilter
- AudioEffectLowShelfFilter
- AudioEffectNotchFilter
- AudioEffectPanner
- AudioEffectPhaser
- AudioEffectPitchShift
- AudioEffectRecord
- AudioEffectReverb
- AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzer
- AudioEffectStereoEnhance
- AudioStream
- AudioStreamGenerator
- AudioStreamMicrophone
- AudioStreamMP3
- AudioStreamOggVorbis
- AudioStreamPolyphonic
- AudioStreamRandomizer
- AudioStreamWAV
- BaseMaterial3D
- BitMap
- BoneMap
- BoxMesh
- BoxOccluder3D
- BoxShape3D
- ButtonGroup
- CameraAttributes
- CameraAttributesPhysical
- CameraAttributesPractical
- CameraTexture
- CanvasItemMaterial
- CanvasTexture
- CapsuleMesh
- CapsuleShape2D
- CapsuleShape3D
- CircleShape2D
- CodeHighlighter
- CompressedCubemap
- CompressedCubemapArray
- CompressedTexture2D
- CompressedTexture2DArray
- CompressedTexture3D
- CompressedTextureLayered
- ConcavePolygonShape2D
- ConcavePolygonShape3D
- ConvexPolygonShape2D
- ConvexPolygonShape3D
- CryptoKey
- CSharpScript
- Cubemap
- CubemapArray
- Curve
- Curve2D
- Curve3D
- CurveTexture
- CurveXYZTexture
- CylinderMesh
- CylinderShape3D
- EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
- EditorSettings
- EditorSyntaxHighlighter
- 环境
- FastNoiseLite
- FogMaterial
- Font
- FontFile
- FontVariation
- GDExtension
- GDScript
- GLTFAccessor
- GLTFAnimation
- GLTFBufferView
- GLTFCamera
- GLTFDocument
- GLTFDocumentExtension
- GLTFDocumentExtensionConvertImporterMesh
- GLTFLight
- GLTFMesh
- GLTFNode
- GLTFPhysicsBody
- GLTFPhysicsShape
- GLTFSkeleton
- GLTFSkin
- GLTFSpecGloss
- GLTFState
- GLTFTexture
- GLTFTextureSampler
- Gradient
- GradientTexture1D
- GradientTexture2D
- HeightMapShape3D
- Image
- ImageTexture
- ImageTexture3D
- ImageTextureLayered
- ImmediateMesh
- ImporterMesh
- InputEvent
- InputEventAction
- InputEventFromWindow
- InputEventGesture
- InputEventJoypadButton
- InputEventJoypadMotion
- InputEventKey
- InputEventMagnifyGesture
- InputEventMIDI
- InputEventMouse
- InputEventMouseButton
- InputEventMouseMotion
- InputEventPanGesture
- InputEventScreenDrag
- InputEventScreenTouch
- InputEventShortcut
- InputEventWithModifiers
- LabelSettings
- LightmapGIData
- Material
- 网格
- MeshLibrary
- MeshTexture
- MissingResource
- MultiMesh
- NavigationMesh
- NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D
- NavigationPolygon
- Noise
- NoiseTexture2D
- NoiseTexture3D
- Occluder3D
- OccluderPolygon2D
- OggPacketSequence
- OpenXRAction
- OpenXRActionMap
- OpenXRActionSet
- OpenXRInteractionProfile
- OpenXRIPBinding
- OptimizedTranslation
- ORMMaterial3D
- PackedDataContainer
- PackedScene
- PanoramaSkyMaterial
- ParticleProcessMaterial
- PhysicalSkyMaterial
- PhysicsMaterial
- PlaceholderCubemap
- PlaceholderCubemapArray
- PlaceholderMaterial
- PlaceholderMesh
- PlaceholderTexture2D
- PlaceholderTexture2DArray
- PlaceholderTexture3D
- PlaceholderTextureLayered
- PlaneMesh
- PointMesh
- PolygonOccluder3D
- PolygonPathFinder
- PortableCompressedTexture2D
- PrimitiveMesh
- PrismMesh
- ProceduralSkyMaterial
- QuadMesh
- QuadOccluder3D
- RDShaderFile
- RectangleShape2D
- RibbonTrailMesh
- RichTextEffect
- SceneReplicationConfig
- Script
- ScriptExtension
- SegmentShape2D
- SeparationRayShape2D
- SeparationRayShape3D
- Shader
- ShaderInclude
- ShaderMaterial
- Shape2D
- Shape3D
- Shortcut
- SkeletonModification2D
- SkeletonModification2DCCDIK
- SkeletonModification2DFABRIK
- SkeletonModification2DJiggle
- SkeletonModification2DLookAt
- SkeletonModification2DPhysicalBones
- SkeletonModification2DStackHolder
- SkeletonModification2DTwoBoneIK
- SkeletonModificationStack2D
- SkeletonProfile
- SkeletonProfileHumanoid
- Skin
- Sky
- SphereMesh
- SphereOccluder3D
- SphereShape3D
- SpriteFrames
- StandardMaterial3D
- StyleBox
- StyleBoxEmpty
- StyleBoxFlat
- StyleBoxLine
- StyleBoxTexture
- SyntaxHighlighter
- SystemFont
- TextMesh
- Texture (纹理)
- Texture2D
- Texture2DArray
- Texture2DArrayRD
- Texture2DRD
- Texture3D
- Texture3DRD
- TextureCubemapArrayRD
- TextureCubemapRD
- TextureLayered
- TextureLayeredRD
- Theme
- TileMapPattern
- TileSet
- TileSetAtlasSource
- TileSetScenesCollectionSource
- TileSetSource
- TorusMesh
- Translation
- TubeTrailMesh
- VideoStream
- VideoStreamPlayback
- VideoStreamTheora
- ViewportTexture
- VisualShader
- VisualShaderNode
- VisualShaderNodeBillboard
- VisualShaderNodeBooleanConstant
- VisualShaderNodeBooleanParameter
- VisualShaderNodeClamp
- VisualShaderNodeColorConstant
- VisualShaderNodeColorFunc
- VisualShaderNodeColorOp
- VisualShaderNodeColorParameter
- VisualShaderNodeComment
- VisualShaderNodeCompare
- VisualShaderNodeConstant
- VisualShaderNodeCubemap
- VisualShaderNodeCubemapParameter
- VisualShaderNodeCurveTexture
- VisualShaderNodeCurveXYZTexture
- VisualShaderNodeCustom
- VisualShaderNodeDerivativeFunc
- VisualShaderNodeDeterminant
- VisualShaderNodeDistanceFade
- VisualShaderNodeDotProduct
- VisualShaderNodeExpression
- VisualShaderNodeFaceForward
- VisualShaderNodeFloatConstant
- VisualShaderNodeFloatFunc
- VisualShaderNodeFloatOp
- VisualShaderNodeFloatParameter
- VisualShaderNodeFresnel
- VisualShaderNodeGlobalExpression
- VisualShaderNodeGroupBase
- VisualShaderNodeIf
- VisualShaderNodeInput
- VisualShaderNodeIntConstant
- VisualShaderNodeIntFunc
- VisualShaderNodeIntOp
- VisualShaderNodeIntParameter
- VisualShaderNodeIs
- VisualShaderNodeLinearSceneDepth
- VisualShaderNodeMix
- VisualShaderNodeMultiplyAdd
- VisualShaderNodeOuterProduct
- VisualShaderNodeOutput
- VisualShaderNodeParameter
- VisualShaderNodeParameterRef
- VisualShaderNodeParticleAccelerator
- VisualShaderNodeParticleBoxEmitter
- VisualShaderNodeParticleConeVelocity
- VisualShaderNodeParticleEmit
- VisualShaderNodeParticleEmitter
- VisualShaderNodeParticleMeshEmitter
- VisualShaderNodeParticleMultiplyByAxisAngle
- VisualShaderNodeParticleOutput
- VisualShaderNodeParticleRandomness
- VisualShaderNodeParticleRingEmitter
- VisualShaderNodeParticleSphereEmitter
- VisualShaderNodeProximityFade
- VisualShaderNodeRandomRange
- VisualShaderNodeRemap
- VisualShaderNodeResizableBase
- VisualShaderNodeRotationByAxis
- VisualShaderNodeSample3D
- VisualShaderNodeScreenNormalWorldSpace
- VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF
- VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch
- VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV
- VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep
- VisualShaderNodeStep
- VisualShaderNodeSwitch
- VisualShaderNodeTexture
- VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArray
- VisualShaderNodeTexture2DArrayParameter
- VisualShaderNodeTexture2DParameter
- VisualShaderNodeTexture3D
- VisualShaderNodeTexture3DParameter
- VisualShaderNodeTextureParameter
- VisualShaderNodeTextureParameterTriplanar
- VisualShaderNodeTextureSDF
- VisualShaderNodeTextureSDFNormal
- VisualShaderNodeTransformCompose
- VisualShaderNodeTransformConstant
- VisualShaderNodeTransformDecompose
- VisualShaderNodeTransformFunc
- VisualShaderNodeTransformOp
- VisualShaderNodeTransformParameter
- VisualShaderNodeTransformVecMult
- VisualShaderNodeUIntConstant
- VisualShaderNodeUIntFunc
- VisualShaderNodeUIntOp
- VisualShaderNodeUIntParameter
- VisualShaderNodeUVFunc
- VisualShaderNodeUVPolarCoord
- VisualShaderNodeVarying
- VisualShaderNodeVaryingGetter
- VisualShaderNodeVaryingSetter
- VisualShaderNodeVec2Constant
- VisualShaderNodeVec2Parameter
- VisualShaderNodeVec3Constant
- VisualShaderNodeVec3Parameter
- VisualShaderNodeVec4Constant
- VisualShaderNodeVec4Parameter
- VisualShaderNodeVectorBase
- VisualShaderNodeVectorCompose
- VisualShaderNodeVectorDecompose
- VisualShaderNodeVectorDistance
- VisualShaderNodeVectorFunc
- VisualShaderNodeVectorLen
- VisualShaderNodeVectorOp
- VisualShaderNodeVectorRefract
- VisualShaderNodeWorldPositionFromDepth
- VoxelGIData
- World2D
- World3D
- WorldBoundaryShape2D
- WorldBoundaryShape3D
- X509Certificate
Other objects¶
- Object
- AESContext
- AStar2D
- AStar3D
- AStarGrid2D
- AudioEffectInstance
- AudioEffectSpectrumAnalyzerInstance
- AudioServer
- AudioStreamGeneratorPlayback
- AudioStreamPlayback
- AudioStreamPlaybackOggVorbis
- AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic
- AudioStreamPlaybackResampled
- CallbackTweener
- CameraFeed
- CameraServer
- CharFXTransform
- ClassDB
- ConfigFile
- Crypto
- DirAccess
- DisplayServer
- DTLSServer
- EditorDebuggerPlugin
- EditorDebuggerSession
- EditorExportPlatform
- EditorExportPlatformAndroid
- EditorExportPlatformIOS
- EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD
- EditorExportPlatformMacOS
- EditorExportPlatformPC
- EditorExportPlatformWeb
- EditorExportPlatformWindows
- EditorExportPlugin
- EditorFeatureProfile
- EditorFileSystemDirectory
- EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery
- EditorImportPlugin
- EditorInspectorPlugin
- EditorInterface
- EditorNode3DGizmo
- EditorPaths
- EditorResourceConversionPlugin
- EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
- EditorResourceTooltipPlugin
- EditorSceneFormatImporter
- EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend
- EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX
- EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF
- EditorScenePostImport
- EditorScenePostImportPlugin
- EditorScript
- EditorSelection
- EditorTranslationParserPlugin
- EditorUndoRedoManager
- EditorVCSInterface
- EncodedObjectAsID
- ENetConnection
- ENetMultiplayerPeer
- ENetPacketPeer
- 引擎
- EngineDebugger
- EngineProfiler
- Expression
- FileAccess
- GDExtensionManager
- Geometry2D
- Geometry3D
- GodotSharp
- HashingContext
- HMACContext
- HTTPClient
- ImageFormatLoader
- ImageFormatLoaderExtension
- 输入
- InputMap
- IntervalTweener
- IP
- JavaClass
- JavaClassWrapper
- JavaScriptBridge
- JavaScriptObject
- JNISingleton
- KinematicCollision2D
- KinematicCollision3D
- Lightmapper
- LightmapperRD
- MainLoop
- Marshalls
- MeshConvexDecompositionSettings
- MeshDataTool
- MethodTweener
- MobileVRInterface
- MovieWriter
- MultiplayerAPI
- MultiplayerAPIExtension
- MultiplayerPeer
- MultiplayerPeerExtension
- Mutex
- NavigationMeshGenerator
- NavigationPathQueryParameters2D
- NavigationPathQueryParameters3D
- NavigationPathQueryResult2D
- NavigationPathQueryResult3D
- NavigationServer2D
- NavigationServer3D
- Node
- Node3DGizmo
- OfflineMultiplayerPeer
- OggPacketSequencePlayback
- OpenXRAPIExtension
- OpenXRExtensionWrapperExtension
- OpenXRInteractionProfileMetadata
- OpenXRInterface
- OS
- PackedDataContainerRef
- PacketPeer
- PacketPeerDTLS
- PacketPeerExtension
- PacketPeerStream
- PacketPeerUDP
- PCKPacker
- 性能
- PhysicsDirectBodyState2D
- PhysicsDirectBodyState2DExtension
- PhysicsDirectBodyState3D
- PhysicsDirectBodyState3DExtension
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState2D
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState2DExtension
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D
- PhysicsDirectSpaceState3DExtension
- PhysicsPointQueryParameters2D
- PhysicsPointQueryParameters3D
- PhysicsRayQueryParameters2D
- PhysicsRayQueryParameters3D
- PhysicsServer2D
- PhysicsServer2DExtension
- PhysicsServer2DManager
- PhysicsServer3D
- PhysicsServer3DExtension
- PhysicsServer3DManager
- PhysicsServer3DRenderingServerHandler
- PhysicsShapeQueryParameters2D
- PhysicsShapeQueryParameters3D
- PhysicsTestMotionParameters2D
- PhysicsTestMotionParameters3D
- PhysicsTestMotionResult2D
- PhysicsTestMotionResult3D
- ProjectSettings
- PropertyTweener
- RandomNumberGenerator
- RDAttachmentFormat
- RDFramebufferPass
- RDPipelineColorBlendState
- RDPipelineColorBlendStateAttachment
- RDPipelineDepthStencilState
- RDPipelineMultisampleState
- RDPipelineRasterizationState
- RDPipelineSpecializationConstant
- RDSamplerState
- RDShaderSource
- RDTextureFormat
- RDTextureView
- RDUniform
- RDVertexAttribute
- RefCounted
- RegEx
- RegExMatch
- RenderingDevice
- RenderingServer
- RenderSceneBuffers
- RenderSceneBuffersConfiguration
- RenderSceneBuffersExtension
- RenderSceneBuffersRD
- Resource
- ResourceFormatLoader
- ResourceFormatSaver
- ResourceImporter
- ResourceImporterBitMap
- ResourceImporterBMFont
- ResourceImporterCSVTranslation
- ResourceImporterDynamicFont
- ResourceImporterImage
- ResourceImporterImageFont
- ResourceImporterLayeredTexture
- ResourceImporterMP3
- ResourceImporterOBJ
- ResourceImporterOggVorbis
- ResourceImporterScene
- ResourceImporterShaderFile
- ResourceImporterTexture
- ResourceImporterTextureAtlas
- ResourceImporterWAV
- ResourceLoader
- ResourceSaver
- ResourceUID
- SceneMultiplayer
- SceneState
- SceneTree
- SceneTreeTimer
- ScriptLanguage
- ScriptLanguageExtension
- Semaphore
- SkinReference
- StreamPeer
- StreamPeerBuffer
- StreamPeerExtension
- StreamPeerGZIP
- StreamPeerTCP
- StreamPeerTLS
- SurfaceTool
- TCPServer
- TextLine
- TextParagraph
- TextServer
- TextServerAdvanced
- TextServerDummy
- TextServerExtension
- TextServerFallback
- TextServerManager
- ThemeDB
- Thread
- TileData
- Time
- TLSOptions
- TranslationServer
- TreeItem
- TriangleMesh
- Tween
- Tweener
- UDPServer
- UndoRedo
- UPNPDevice
- WeakRef
- WebRTCDataChannel
- WebRTCDataChannelExtension
- WebRTCMultiplayerPeer
- WebRTCPeerConnection
- WebRTCPeerConnectionExtension
- WebSocketMultiplayerPeer
- WebSocketPeer
- WebXRInterface
- WorkerThreadPool
- XMLParser
- XRInterface
- XRInterfaceExtension
- XRPose
- XRPositionalTracker
- XRServer
- ZIPPacker
- ZIPReader
- EditorCommandPalette
- EditorDebuggerPlugin
- EditorDebuggerSession
- EditorExportPlatform
- EditorExportPlatformAndroid
- EditorExportPlatformIOS
- EditorExportPlatformLinuxBSD
- EditorExportPlatformMacOS
- EditorExportPlatformPC
- EditorExportPlatformWeb
- EditorExportPlatformWindows
- EditorExportPlugin
- EditorFeatureProfile
- EditorFileDialog
- EditorFileSystem
- EditorFileSystemDirectory
- EditorFileSystemImportFormatSupportQuery
- EditorImportPlugin
- EditorInspector
- EditorInspectorPlugin
- EditorInterface
- EditorNode3DGizmo
- EditorNode3DGizmoPlugin
- EditorPaths
- EditorPlugin
- EditorProperty
- EditorResourceConversionPlugin
- EditorResourcePicker
- EditorResourcePreview
- EditorResourcePreviewGenerator
- EditorResourceTooltipPlugin
- EditorSceneFormatImporter
- EditorSceneFormatImporterBlend
- EditorSceneFormatImporterFBX
- EditorSceneFormatImporterGLTF
- EditorScenePostImport
- EditorScenePostImportPlugin
- EditorScript
- EditorScriptPicker
- EditorSelection
- EditorSettings
- EditorSpinSlider
- EditorSyntaxHighlighter
- EditorTranslationParserPlugin
- EditorUndoRedoManager
- EditorVCSInterface
- FileSystemDock
- ScriptCreateDialog
- ScriptEditor
- ScriptEditorBase
Variant types¶
- 数组
- Basis
- bool
- Callable
- 颜色
- 字典
- 浮点数
- int
- 节点路径
- Object
- PackedByteArray
- PackedColorArray
- PackedFloat32Array
- PackedFloat64Array
- PackedInt32Array
- PackedInt64Array
- PackedStringArray
- PackedVector2Array
- PackedVector3Array
- Plane
- Projection
- Quaternion
- Rect2
- Rect2i
- 信号
- 字符串
- StringName
- Transform2D
- Transform3D
- Vector2
- Vector2i
- Vector3
- Vector3i
- Vector4
- Vector4i